集中式的版本控制 (類似TFS)

Update 將伺服器上的同步到本機(類似git 的 pull)

Commit 做一個版本到伺服器中(類似git 的 commit + push)

revert 可以將檔案回復到上一次commit 的狀態 (等同 git revert)

Checkout 將repository 的Source 下載到本機 (類似 git 的 clone)

如何在 Windows cmd 使用 svn


TortoiseSVN 重裝

記得將選項 windows client tortoiseSVN command line 選起來

預設是取消的 ...


SVN 的 Merge


根據版本 Merge a range of revisions

只會將 被選取的版本內 所改動的差異,Merge進來

This method covers the case when you have made one or more revisions to a branch (or to the trunk) and you want to port those changes across to a different branch.

根據分支 Reintegrate a branch

將整本分支 Merge 進來 (應該等同於 git 的 Merge?)

This method covers the case when you have made a feature branch as discussed in the Subversion book. Use this to merge all changes of a branch back to trunk.

Merge two different trees

This method covers the case when you want to merge the differences of two different branches into your working copy.

Last updated